Small Groups

4 Key Reasons to Join a Small Group:

  1. Discipleship and spiritual growth: Small groups provide a context for intentional growth in your relationship with God and others as members can share their experiences, pray for one another, study the Bible, and hold each other accountable in love.
  2. Community and fellowship: Small groups provide a space for believers to connect with one another on a deeper level than is often possible in larger settings like church services. Members can build meaningful relationships, support one another through difficult times, and celebrate together in times of joy.
  3. Evangelism and outreach: Small group members can invite non-believers to join their group, share their faith in a non-threatening setting, and demonstrate the love of Christ through their relationships with one another.
  4. Accountability and mutual support: Small groups provide a context for mutual accountability and support, as members can hold each other to high standards of Christian living, confess their sins and struggles to one another, and offer support and encouragement in the midst of challenges.

Group Finder

Church Meeting  
Men's BreakfastJoin our welcoming men's small group at Nudy's Cafe in Paoli, Pennsylvania, where members from the Berwyn and Paoli United Methodist Churches come together for enriching discussions on life, sports, faith, and everything in between. Our gatherings provide an inclusive and friendly space to connect and converse with fellow community members. Regardless of your background or interests, we invite you to join us. The diversity of topics and the warmth of the group ensure every meeting is a unique and enriching experience. Come to Nudy's Cafe and be a part of this community where meaningful connections and personal growth take center stage. We look forward to sharing conversations and camaraderie with you.Friday at 7:30 AM