Worship with Rejoicing

7/17/2024 - 8/22/2024

In this series, we invite you to consider that, for David, worship was life. Worship wasn’t something David did, we might say; it wasn’t a specific time in the day or week. Rather, worship was who he was. David lived and breathed worship. Yes, sometimes he got it wrong; sometimes he followed impulses that led him astray. And sometimes he got confused about who was the object of this worship and got in the way of the God he loved. But through it all, David lived as though his life was an offering to God.

In This Series

  1. Call to Worship - 07/21/2024

    In this exploration of worship, we delve into the significance of the 'call to worship' and how it shapes our spiritual lives. Drawing from the story of David bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, we see how setting apart time and space for God is crucial. Just as God separated elements in creation and established the Sabbath, we too are called to create boundaries between the ordinary and the holy. This practice trains us to recognize God's presence not only in designated sacred spaces but also in our everyday lives. By intentionally marking the beginning of our worship, we prepare our hearts and minds to encounter the divine, both within and beyond the church walls. This message challenges us to be more deliberate in our approach to worship and to carry that mindset into our daily spiritual practices.

  2. Call to Confession - 07/28/2024
