Share Your Story

Work Entry

Share Your Story

We're sending a heartfelt invitation – we want to hear from you! Have you experienced the transforming touch of Berwyn United Methodist Church's ministries in your life?

We believe in the power of stories. They connect, inspire, and remind us of the goodness surrounding us. If our church's ministries have been a blessing on your journey, we'd be honored if you'd share your story with us.

Your tale of transformation might be just what someone else needs to hear. It could be a simple moment of clarity during a service, a deep connection made through a ministry, or a newfound purpose ignited by being part of our community.

Your privacy is important. We'll only use your first name in any sharing, ensuring your story's essence shines while your identity stays protected. And if needed, we'll condense your story to fit the format – the heart of your experience will remain untouched.

Let's celebrate how faith, community, and ministry can shape our lives for the better. Your story is a blessing waiting to touch hearts.

Please consider sharing your tale of blessings with us. Your story could light a path for others.

Sometimes people are more moved by a review or testimonial if they have a picture with it. Can we put your picture with your testimonial where appropriate?
