A Message From the Lay Leader

A Message From the Lay Leader

Amy Dodds

Berwyn UMC became our church home soon after Larry and I were married and moved to Devon. We were both graduate students and although we didn't consider ourselves poor, attracted the care and welcome of Ann West and others in the congregation as they stopped by our apartment with not only a welcoming loaf of delicious banana bread, but a bag of groceries. The pastor at that time convinced us that we would be better served living in the Hurd House on the church property than in our apartment—and the rent was reasonable as long as we agreed to turn out the church lights and look after the property. BUMC quickly became our home away from the church homes we had known in Indiana, Virginia, New York and New Hampshire. We continue to find our church home in Berwyn despite moves to Havertown and then Bryn Mawr. First Hannah and then Wilson were baptized and confirmed in the church, attending Sunday School and singing in the choir when they were small. In addition to the wonderful people, ASP, The Peoples Emergency Shelter, Methodist Home, and other mission projects kept our minds and hearts busy and full. I am excited to support the much-needed church food pantry and hope that 2023 will see the church addressing food scarcity both in our immediate community and beyond.

We hold tight to the friendships we have fostered through BUMC. The people of BUMC gift my family with love and care and have helped to raise our children in faith when grandparents and extended family are many miles away. We continue to be closely connected with those we love and whom we worship beside. I am excited to see how our church home will continue and expand to share our Christian message through mission and service to the community in 2023.


This post was orignally published in the January 2023 of the Lighted Cross. Please use the links below to view the full newsletter.

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